Teach your child how to increase their mental well-being and confidence

by managing emotions, stress and anxiety with evidence-based positive psychology strategies.


School starts soon and this confidence kit is just what your child needs to manage big emotions, control fears and create a positive mindset, so they can cope with whatever challenges this year throws at them.

The kit is broken down into easy to follow modules that your child can simply dip in at any point and in any order.
It’s so easy to follow.

Who is this for?

Anyone 8+ years

Checklist - tick any that are relevant to your family

  • You're frustrated by your child's overreaction, constant crying over trivial things or shutting themselves off
  • Your child is exhausting other family members with high emotions
  • Your child is easily angered or frustrated by other people's behaviour, comments or opinions
  • Your child worries about others' opinions of them
  • Your child is driving you mad with negative self-talk
  • Your child is often caught in the middle of friendship circle dramas
  • Your child worries excessively about new experiences, looking silly in front of others or trying new things
  • You change family plans to fit in with your child's reactions and emotions
  • Your child worries about the future
  • Your child's behaviour has changed recently e.g.since a good friend has left school/ family situation has change etc.
  • Your child is fretful at night and has trouble switching off
  • Your child has difficulty communicating how they're feeling without flying off the handle or becoming sullen
  • Your child is dreading going to school
  • Your child thinks they're not good enough

Claire Peirson
MSc - Course Developer

As a previous primary school teacher, mother and now, Child Therapist, I have seen all of these in the classroom, at home, and in the consulting room. As parents, we're all doing the best job we can with the resources we have.

I have spent my career learning about positive psychology, about how children become mentally fit and flourish. I have worked with individual teenagers with severe mental health problems that could so easily have been managed if they had been given the guidance, tools and early interventions when they were at primary school.

Schools are increasing their awareness of the problem but still not enough is being done to support our children...the well-being curriculum is still a long way off.

So, what if I handed you a blueprint to use at home? Strategies, tools, and activities for your child to access easily and have as a bank of resources when they need a well-being toolkit to manage fear, worry, anger, overwhelm or simply, not feeling good about themselves…?

I've had clients coming to me whose families have been so disrupted by a child's behaviour.
It affects the whole family when emotions get out of control.

Children who were refusing to go to school, let alone playdates or sleepovers.

Children who have used anger as a tool for getting what they want (passive or aggressive) instead of learning assertive communication strategies.

Children who seem to bounce from one peer conflict drama to the next suddenly see the bigger picture and are able to remove themselves from unhealthy relationships

Children who have measured their worth by other people's comments/ criticisms or praise suddenly realise that they're own self-worth comes from the inside and stop looking for external validation.

Children who were teased by siblings for nor being brave enough to try new experiences suddenly find their feet and take-off.

Children who get so nervous before exams, tests, music recitals, class assemblies, residential trips, their parents being away from them learn how to observe their thoughts without judgment and simply experience the feelings, then let those feelings dissipate.

Children who were angry with the world - in victim mode and blaming others for their unhappiness start stepping up and taking responsibility for their own happiness.

Children who thought there was no other option but to suffer start using breathing techniques, mindfulness, meditation, journaling to organise their thoughts and look for other options.

Imagine if...

Imagine if you could enroll on a program that would help you take control of your own mind.

Imagine if you could walk into a room and feel brave and calm.

Imagine if you could wake up and know that your worry is taken care of.

Introducing Pivotal Mind’s 6 week online programme

Who am I and What the heck is going on?

This is an online membership portal for your child that is filled to the brim with the resources to help your child manage emotions and anxiety related- behaviour.

  • Vault of resources 
  • Simply login to access – no messy emails
  • Roller coaster emotional
  • For when meltdowns go too far

I have taken all of their best and most practical materials are used in the consulting room

This will save you a fortune on therapy and self-help books

This is your go to resource when your child has lost that can do attitude

Help build your child’s confidence, self-esteem and increase happiness levels.

I’ll teach your child how to measure their own happiness levels using resources from the child therapy consulting room.

I’ll encourage them to take action to bring their happiness levels up. They will learn interventions (evidence-based) that increase children’s well-being.

Your child is going to be taught the fundamentals of positive psychology. You know all of these self-help books/ life coaches/ Tony Robbins/ Oprah methods...? Your child will learn these: factual science led - I’ve done the research; I’ve got the experience and I’ve developed the work into small bite size pieces that your child can dive into.

Investing in our children’s mental health & well-being is your investing in our future: the next generation who will become parents, leaders & mentors



Module 1: Positive Self-coaching

The Mental Strength Upgrade video

Control your Worry 30 page printable workbook

Worry Monster 7 Day Challenge

Module 2: Assertiveness & Communication

The Stress Response Video

Manage Anger 30 page printable workbook

Random Acts of kindness 7 Day Challenge

Module 3: Positive Emotions & Breathing

The Stop Technique Video

Face your Fears 30 page printable workbook

The Stop Technique 7 Day Challenge

Module 4: Positive Mindset

The Mindset Reboot Video

Focus on Self-talk 30 page printable workbook

Affirmations 7 Day Challenge

Module 5: Flourishing, Flow & Happiness

The Coping Skills Toolbox Video

Coping Skills 30 page printable workbook

Meditation 7 Day Challenge

Module 6: Mindfulness & Positive Therapy

Keep Calm Strategies Video

Reflection 30 page printable workbook

Mindfulness 7 Day Challenge

Members’ Community

The children will be invited to a secure and safe members’ area, monitored daily by me. They can ask questions and share examples of their work.

During the pilot study of this course – all participants expressed their need to liaise with other students and have a virtual ‘circle time/forum’ to discuss their challenges and successes.

I’ve observed during my group coaching that great work has been achieved when young people are able to share their experiences.

Parents/ carers’ Closed Facebook Group

I'm available to support and guide you via a weekly office hour FB live.


Celebrate your child’s accomplishments when they grow, flourish and thrive in school, during social situations and exams.
When they are consistently able to manage their own emotions.

  • Step by step
  • Small chucks of information
  • Scaffolding their learning
  • Little by little
  • Letting it all sink in
  • Having time to apply it to real life situations
  • Steadily growing their confidence
  • Watching them handle difficult situations with ease
  • Seeing them blossom into happy, healthy young adults
  • Ready to go and reach their dreams
  • Knowing you’ve given them the tools to create their own happiness
  • And take responsibility for their own mental well-being
  • For the rest of their lives

I started working with children with anxiety because I experienced it myself when I was younger.

I suffered so unnecessarily at university because I didn't know who to ask for help. I didn't understand how my mind worked or the science behind the stress response.

I was like a crazy person - I would only sit at the back of my lecture halls, I had a panic attack in my finals and had to be escorted out of the exam. I know what it's like to feel fear grip your body and adrenaline send you twitching, blinking and wanting to run. I understand the daily grapple with ridiculous thoughts - telling yourself you've fine and relaxed but feeling the panic taking over. I know I've stopped myself doing things in the past out of fear - and I don't want that to happen to you.

There is science to why our bodies react the way they do and I want to teach you all about it so you understand your mind and how it works to protect you from danger. It just gets a little confused sometimes and makes you react when you could respond and crazy and chaotic when you could be calm. Don't wait until you're an adult to fix these issues - learn them while you're young so you can go and enjoy life without worrying about what other people think of you or how silly you look.

It's not worth the stress - really, there are another options. You have choices. Be able to walk into any room being proud of who you are and know that instead of being out of control with emotions, you can find solutions using the logical side of your brain.

It really is that easy - like anything else you want to get better at or stronger in - you just have to practise.


Claire coaches my daughter who plays competitive tennis. They've worked on relaxation techniques, self believe, setting goals etc...and all these have greatly helped improve her game.

As a parent I've also benefited a lot from sitting in and being part of the class. I've learned different ways of supporting my daughter in stressful situations and I too use these techniques when I get stressed.

In my experience as both a personal trainer and an athlete, mindset and confidence are two vital components for success within so many situations. Claire has such a warm and friendly nature and highly professional attitude and I would fully recommend this programme.

A positive mindset is imperative for children to be happy and to reach their full potential. Children today are facing unprecedented pressures and challenges in an ever-changing world. I truly believe in providing opportunities to cope with anxiety, stress and to promote greater well-being.

Having spent time discussing the mindfulness programme with Claire, I know she has the passion and skills to support and to make a difference. As an Executive Headteacher of two primary schools, I am working with Claire to promote resilience and self-confidence in my schools. The support Claire provides is invaluable and

I fully recommend the Positive Mindfulness programme offered by Pivotal Mind.

-- Mr Wayne Jones | Executive Headteacher

This Offer is For Parents If...

  • You're frustrated by your child's overreaction, constant crying over trivial things or shutting themselves off
  • Your child is exhausting other family members with high emotions
  • Your child is easily angered or frustrated by other people's behaviour, comments or opinions
  • Your child worries about others' opinions of them
  • Your child is driving you mad with negative self-talk
  • Your child is often caught in the middle of friendship circle dramas
  • Your child worries excessively about new experiences, looking silly in front of others or trying new things
  • You change family plans to fit in with your child's reactions and emotions
  • Your child worries about the future
  • Your child's behaviour has changed recently e.g.since a good friend has left school/ family situation has change etc.
  • Your child is fretful at night and has trouble switching off
  • Your child has difficulty communicating how they're feeling without flying off the handle or becoming sullen
  • Your child is dreading going to school
  • Your child thinks they're not good enough

This Offer is NOT For Parents If...

You are not committed to take action or put aside time each week to work on your mental wellbeing.



  • 6 Animated Videos
  • 6 Workbooks
  • 6 Weekly Interventions
  • Closed Facebook Group
  • Members' Community

Frequently Asked Questions

They will learn to take responsibility for their own mental wellbeing and happiness by using evidence-based positive psychology interventions. They will understand different types of anger and how to assertively communicate their ideas. They will recognise the difference between a victim and survivor mindset and investigate the negative self-talk that keeps them from growing and experiencing new things. They will learn how to meditate and how to use mindfulness to stay grounded in the present – this will stop them dwelling on past mistakes and worrying about the future.

You will hopefully notice a difference in their awareness of taking responsibility for their own mental wellbeing after the first week. Deeper mindset shifts will occur as they work through the weekly interventions. Remember, that mental wellbeing is a lifelong journey and if this programme is able to set the seed for developing positive daily habits to increase wellbeing, then I have done my job! The rest is up to each individual to take action to safeguard their mental wellness everyday for the rest of their life.

A reduction in anxiety-related behaviour and techniques to manage and understand anger. One area that children love leaning about (definite lightbulb moments) is what happens if they bottle up anger. Passive anger can have just as much detrimental effect as aggressive anger. Therefore, I get them to investigate their own methods of using or storing anger and how to convert that into useful phrases to voice their opinions in an assertive way.

It’s mostly designed around the scientific and evidence-based theories of Applied Positive Psychology – this is my main area of research. However, there are some NLP skills in there and a couple of CBT principles: e.g thought-emotion-behaviour patterns.

Yes, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to talk to me via the closed Facebook group. I’ve also got some printables for you to stick on your wall to monitor and action your progress.

Initially, you’ll have to print out the workbooks and watch the videos. I’d recommend setting aside an hour for this once per week. Each video is 2 minutes long. During the rest of the week, I’d expect your child to be committing 20minutes per day after this to complete their weekly interventions. These interventions will then hopefully become lifelong habits.

Younger children will need guidance by an adult. Young people 11+ will be able to work independently – as long as they communicate to me via the members’ community.

Yes – me! Through the Parents’ Closed Facebook Group and the children’s Members’ Community.



  • 6 Animated Videos
  • 6 Workbooks
  • 6 Weekly Interventions
  • Closed Facebook Group
  • Members' Community

The truth is, you CAN overcome these feelings of panic/guilt that your child is happy and confident/ is this normal behaviour.

You don't have to don't have to figure out everything on your own.  Understand that mental health needs to be worked on daily - just like brushing teeth, washing and exercising is for physical health

Recognise how our thoughts influence our emotions and behaviour

Believe that you are the captain of your mind and you control where it goes and what it thinks.


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Two Step

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