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Join the Gamified Parent Membership and Empower Your Child's Anxiety Journey
Hey there! Are you ready to take action and embark on a transformative journey to support your anxious child? Look no further than the Gamified Parent Membership, a one-of-a-kind program designed to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to navigate the challenges of raising an anxious child. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the exciting modules that make up this membership, each filled with valuable resources and activities. So, let's dive in and discover how you can become a fearless navigator for your child's anxiety!
Module 1: Rise Above the Anxiety Trap: Become the Calm Anchor
In this module, you'll learn the art of detaching from your child's anxiety and maintaining your own calmness during difficult moments. Say goodbye to being swept away by their emotional storms and hello to being a steady anchor. By completing this module, you'll earn the coveted "Calm Anchor" badge, showcasing your ability to stay grounded.
Module 2: Uncover the Core Fear: Unlocking the Anxiety Puzzle
Delve deep into your child's anxiety by uncovering their core fear. This module will help you understand the underlying reasons behind their anxiety and connect the dots between various triggers. Unleash your inner detective and earn the "Fear Detective" badge upon completion.
Module 3: Starve the Anxiety Monster: Reduce Safety Behaviours
Discover the safety behaviours that inadvertently feed your child's anxiety monster. Learn effective strategies to gradually reduce and delay these behaviours, empowering your child to develop resilience. Emerge victorious and earn the "Resilience Builder" badge.
Module 4: United Parenting Dream Team: Strength in Unity
Join forces with your parenting partner to create a united front against anxiety. With provided scripts and strategies, you'll reinforce each other's efforts and provide unwavering support to your child. By completing this module, you'll proudly display the "Dream Team" badge.
Module 5: Mastering Anxiety Themes: Reclaiming Family Harmony
Identify the anxiety themes that disrupt family life the most and learn practical techniques to manage them effectively. Restore harmony within your family and earn the "Harmony Restorer" badge as a testament to your success.
Module 6: Ignite Your Motivation: Embrace Your Superpower
Staying motivated throughout your child's anxiety journey is crucial. Discover powerful ways to ignite and maintain your motivation, tapping into your values as your ultimate superpower. Earn the "Motivation Dynamo" badge and become a force to be reckoned with.
Module 7: Targeted Approach: Focusing on Specific Behaviours
Avoid overwhelm by honing in on a few target behaviours or fears at a time. Gain clarity on which ones to prioritise and why, allowing you to tackle them strategically. Earn the "Precision Strategist" badge, showcasing your laser-focused approach.
Module 8: Embrace Exposure Challenges: Building Bravery
Set up exposure challenges that empower your child to face their fears head-on. Learn how to provide the right support and encouragement to foster bravery and independence. Emerge as a "Fear Conqueror" and wear your badge with pride.
Module 9: Unleash Your Superpowers: Crafting the Family Plan
Bring everything together by developing a comprehensive family plan to combat anxiety. Benefit from additional support in live group coaching meetings, where you can celebrate successes, seek guidance, and connect with fellow parents. Earn the esteemed "Superhero Squad" badge upon completion.
Module 10: Taming Unwanted Thoughts: Mastering the Mind
Learn effective techniques to help your child cope with intrusive or negative thoughts. Equip them with the skills to tolerate uncertainty and take charge of their thinking patterns. Become a "Thought Master" by conquering this module.
Module 11: Next-Level Support: Considering Therapy Programs
Explore the option of therapy programs for your child, gaining insights into what happens during sessions and evaluating their potential benefits. Earn the "Enlightened Navigator" badge as you navigate this critical module.
Module 12: Embrace the Pilot's Seat: Charting a Fearless Future
Congratulations! You've reached the final module, where you'll identify potential fear cues and anxiety triggers, enabling proactive steps instead of reactive ones. With your guidance, your child will soar fearlessly into the future. Earn the prestigious "Fearless Navigator" badge as a symbol of your incredible achievement.
The Gamified Parent Membership is your ultimate solution for supporting your anxious child. Each module offers a podcast, worksheet, short tutorial video, and pop quiz, providing a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join our community and access the Flight Path Curriculum, which outlines the 12 steps you'll navigate to earn badges along the way. Take action today, download the curriculum, and unlock the extraordinary potential within you and your child. Together, let's become fearless navigators on this incredible journey!
Visit our website to join the Gamified Parent Membership and start your empowering adventure today! Don't miss out on this opportunity to access invaluable resources, connect with fellow parents, and support your anxious child's journey. Download the Flight Path Curriculum and begin charting your course to success. We can't wait to welcome you to our community of fearless navigators!
With a career working with young people spanning 20+ years, I'm privileged to have worked with hundreds of families in the Middle East and worldwide.
From teaching in primary schools, mindset coaching pro golfers to individual psychotherapy, I have focused my career on performance, dealing with intrusive thoughts and controlling anxious behaviour.
I now specialise in anxiety and OCD therapy for young people and coaching parents and schools how to support young people struggling with their worries.
Take the first step
In thisĀ training, discover if anxiety treatment is right for your child or teenager and how you can support them at home using simple evidence-based steps
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