Cruising the Galaxy
 Anxiety Therapy for 10-18 year olds

Join our Online Group Therapy for Anxious Kids

** Waitlist open now for September 2023 **

What happens in Anxiety Therapy?

It's a big feeling of relief when you find the right therapist. You will have a plan and you will be involved in your child's therapy.

Learning what to say and do to support your child or teen when they're struggling with anxiety is a vital part of the solution.

You will understand the importance of working as a team - anxiety is a family affair and each member must be educated about the ways to handle anxiety so it is not accommodated at home. 

During the online group therapy sessions, your child will learn about their: Core Fears; Safety Behaviours, Distorted Thinking Style; and be able to spot new anxiety themes.

They will have a solid ERP therapy programme in place with a monthly Fear Hierarchy; with goals aligned to their values and a weekly exposures challenge chart with a reward system to keep the whole family motivated to bust anxiety.

I only take on a small number of therapy clients each September and all must be screened to ensure the program is relevant to their needs.

If your child is aged 10-18 years, lives in the UAE (or same time zone); is suffering with anxiety and you would like to know more, please add your name to the waitlist and I will contact you directly.

Yes, I'm interested
Take these steps

Life is full of ups and downs and the sooner your child is able to cope and tolerate these uncomfortable thoughts and feelings - the sooner they will have the superpowers they need to deal with conflict, criticism, change, stress and maintaining their personal boundaries.

Group therapy is the most powerful way to treat anxiety.

Here’s why:

  1. Your child will listen to other people going through the same problems. 50% of young people have anxiety - your child is going to realise they’re not weird, or different and that they have a lot in common with other people.
  2. Motivation and accountability is much higher in a group scenario. The groups are small and respectful. We maintain ethical boundaries, speaking and listening skills. Your child will build empathy to others who are struggling and feel brave enough to share what they’re dealing with.
  3. We follow a flight path - there is a strategic way to work with anxiety. It involves a lot of exposure work and we can do a lot of this ‘in vivo’ during sessions. Great for social anxiety, OCD, dealing with perfectionism, exam stress, GAD and phobias.
  4.  Your child is going to see other anxiety themes and have an amazing awareness of how anxiety and OCD ‘hide’ amongst us. Imagine your child in the future being able to deal with managing teams, deadlines, relationships and being excited about new experiences because of the work they did now. It’s powerful what can be achieved.
  5. It’s fun. I know you don’t believe me but it’s the truth. I have a more difficult time convincing kids it’s time to stop therapy that I do convincing them to start. Your child is going to learn so much about themselves, how they perceive the world and how their thoughts can dictate their actions - they will be hooked on looking after their mental health and see it as a lifelong journey; not a destination.

If your child is aged between 10-18 years, you live in Dubai or are on the same time zone as The UAE; they are available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 6 hours per month, please add your name to the waitlist so I can contact you for an informal chat.


 The Hero's Journey:

🦸‍♂️✨ In this cosmic adventure, your child is the hero, guided by their trusted therapist. Together, you'll navigate the stars, armed with a powerful plan to tackle new anxiety themes. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders as you gain confidence and independence. You're not just parents anymore; you're intergalactic champions of mental health!

Equipped for the Cosmic Battle:

🌌💪 Brace yourself for a cosmic arsenal of knowledge! Through our online group therapy program, you'll become educated about evidence-based techniques like CBT, ERP, ACT and self-regulation strategies. With these tools, you'll see a future where your child can confidently navigate the stresses of everyday life.

I want this!

🌠🌟 if your child is struggling with intense worries that are negatively affecting their day to day functioning or are finding it difficult to cope with change, uncertainty, fear of failure, embarrassment, shame or keep losing focus on their school work and procrastinating and getting overwhelmed, then these are all things we can work on in the online group therapy program ‘Anxiety Busting Bootcamp with Therapy’.

Get signed up for your Discovery Call so your child can be screened for their suitability for the programme and can begin to work on their therapy goals, steps to success and exit plan from therapy. You can sign up for your Discovery Call below 🌠🌟 

🌟✨ Young people will be put into age appropriate groups 🌟✨


Ready to take the next step? Sign up for a Discovery Session today! Our Discovery Session is a screening process designed to ensure that your child is the right fit for our transformative group therapy program. The first call is exclusively for parents, allowing us to discuss your child's unique needs, concerns, and goals. The second call includes your child, providing them with an opportunity to share their experiences and perspective.

The Discovery Session is priced at AED990 and typically takes around 90 minutes to complete. We understand that it's an investment, which is why we offer a special incentive. If you decide to commit to the program after the screening, the AED990 fee will be deducted from your first month's membership subscription. It's a win-win!

During the Discovery Session, I will delve deeper into your child's core fears, anxiety themes, and fear triggers. By the end of the session, you'll have a clear understanding of their therapy goals and an actionable plan in place. It's a worthwhile activity that sets the stage for an effective therapy journey and helps us work towards a therapy exit plan.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and set your child on the path to anxiety relief. Sign up for a Discovery Session today and embark on a transformative journey of growth and empowerment for your child. Together, we can make a lasting positive impact on their well-being.

I am ready to get started!

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