Raise confident kids
Know what to say and what to do when you're raising a child or teen
with anxiety or OCD so you can parent on auto-pilot
Get educated about anxiety and OCD so you know how to support your child at home; save money + time finding the right therapist
What stage of the anxiety galaxy are you?
Are you 'Lost in space?'
Lost in space
You haven't started therapy or coaching, you are confused and overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice. You see your child or teen struggling but don't know what to do for the best. What should you say or do to support your child when they're struggling? You are most likely to be suffering yourself: guilt for not having the answers mixed with frustration at your child's overactive behaviour and fears. You worry about the future and the stress the anxiety is causing to the whole family. It is having a negative impact on daily life. Your child's worries are intense, frequent and it has been going on for more than one month. You need a plan, some quick tips and action steps to get your started!
Get startedRead more
Ready to start parent coaching? Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard the mothership
You have started parent coaching (with Pivotal Mind's Anxiety busting Bootcamp or someone else). and are relieved! You have a plan! You are learning what to say and do to support your child or teen when they're struggling with anxiety. You understand the importance of working as a team - anxiety is a family affair and each member must be educated about the ways to handle anxiety so it is not accommodated. You know your child's Core Fears; Safety Behaviours, Distorted Thinking Style; you are able to spot new anxiety themes; have fun ERP challenges in place with monthly Fear Hierarchy; Goals aligned to your child's values and a weekly exposures challenge chart with a reward system to keep the whole family motivated to bust anxiety.
Is your child 'Cruising the Galaxy' in therapy?
Cruising the galaxy
Your child is immersed and engaged in their therapy. Not only has your child they learnt about their own anxiety; they are also able to recognise anxiety themes in other people. You see your child with a great emotional vocabulary, who can articulate the difference between anxiety triggers and fear-based behaviour. You recognise 'Anxiety' as the 'Villain' in this journey, their therapist as 'The Guide' and your child (and yourself) as 'The Hero'. You are grateful to have a plan and relieved to know exactly what steps to take when new anxiety themes pop up. You feel supported and are gaining independence. You are educated about how anxiety can be managed and are seeing a future where your child or teen is able to self-regulate and cope with day-to-today life and are working towards your therapy exit plan.
Congratulations on 'Flying on Solo'
Flying solo on autopilot
Your child has reached their therapy goals and has an Exit Plan to refer back to. You have lots of resources to maintain great mental health. Your child has proven step-by-step strategies to deal with intrusive thoughts, negative self-talk and fears. They concentrate on what they can control, rather than fixating on what they can't control. They know to allocate time each day for 'The The Cs' of mental wellbeing and have a plethora of evidence-based interventions to get back on track if anxiety shows up again. They recognise that mental health is a journey; not a destination. Your child or teen knows the secret question to ask themselves if they are struggling with anxiety during stressful times and who to go to for support if they need a check-in. You are proud that you did the work and just looking for the occasional check-in or new idea to stay ahead of the game.
Let's Talk

This is where you start your journey. Grab yourself a copy of the training and take action today. This is my most popular school presentation. Parents love it because you get all the juice without the journey! It's got the strategies and answers you need on what to say, what to do and what not to do to support your anxious child or teen. Plus some fab bonuses to sink your teeth into. You'll have a plan of action in just 30 minutes and all for only AED40...bargain!
Soon you'll be 'Flying Solo'
Check out my latest tips for crushing anxiety...
Your journey to managing anxiety

With a career working with young people spanning 20+ years, I'm privileged to have worked with hundreds of families in the Middle East and worldwide.
From teaching in primary schools, mindset coaching pro golfers to individual psychotherapy, I have focused my career on performance, dealing with intrusive thoughts and controlling anxious behaviour.
I now specialise in anxiety and OCD therapy for young people and coaching parents and schools how to support young people struggling with their worries.

3 ways to work with me:
1️⃣ Anxiety Busting Bootcamp family membership
Join the Gamified Family Membership led by Claire Peirson, a therapist specialising in adolescent anxiety. Get the support, education, and coaching you need.
🚀 12 modules - each module has:
⭐️ Video Masterclass for young person
⭐️ Podcast Instructions + Checklist for Parents
⭐️ Weekend Activity for whole Family
⭐️ End of Module Quiz
You'll learn to identify potential fear cues and anxiety triggers, taking proactive steps instead of reacting.
With you in the Captain's seat, navigating your child's anxiety, you'll be well-prepared for future success.
Know what to say and what to do when anxiety tries to take over.
Special summer super savers + Live hot seat coaching + bonuses
Resources for the whole family to use so you can bust anxiety for good!
Tell me more2️⃣ Anxiety busting bootcamp Group Therapy
Our online group therapy membership for 10-18 year olds provides you with a rock-solid ERP therapy program.
With a monthly Fear Hierarchy, your child will conquer anxiety one step at a time. Aligning goals with your child's values, they'll have a roadmap for success.
And don't forget our weekly exposure challenge chart, complete with a reward system that keeps the whole family motivated to bust anxiety.
Only 18 places available for September 2023.
Please register for a screening session to check your child is suitable.
Tell Me More3️⃣ Power hour CHECK-INS & COACHING
One-to-one online consultancy for parents.
Coaching is a collaborative and supportive process that aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to effectively support your anxious child. Unlike traditional therapy that focuses solely on the child, coaching recognises the vital role parents play in their child's journey towards emotional well-being.
An anxiety coach will equip you with a range of practical strategies and techniques to manage anxiety effectively. These strategies may include helping your child build resilience, developing coping mechanisms, and implementing positive reinforcement techniques.
Tell Me More

My child was an angry perfectionist!
Claire, the meltdowns have stopped and she's having fun again.
She has stopped comparing herself to others all the time. She knows she's good enough. She's stopped thinking about the worst case scenario and her social skills are so much better.

Our son was a worried people pleaser
"He has started noticing when his anxiety needs reassurance. We still use the tokens to reduce the safety behaviour. It has been a life save for our family. he's actually looking forward to the school residential!"

He isn't a picky eater anymore!
"When we went back home this summer, the whole family noticed a change in his behaviour. He joins in, he orders his own food and there's much less drama about making mistakes or being embarrassed."
is your child or teen ready to Join the anxiety busting bootcamp with therapy?
✨ aed2500 per month includes: ✨
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Online group therapy6 hours of online group therapy every month in small age-related groups for 10-18 year olds living in the UAE. We meet via ZOOM on Tuesdays & Thursdays after school. |
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Step-by-step roadmap12 Module Curriculum, Weekly exposures & psychoeducation to break free from social anxiety, panic disorder, GAD, OCD and phobias. |
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Members' dashboardAll your resources stored on one platform: video masterclasses, self-regulation worksheets & walkthrough reminders with checklists to treat 'bad thoughts'; perfectionism; insomnia & false alarms |
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Parent supportYou are a vital part of the solution and included in every step. You receive monthly check-ins & virtual Q&A office hours to discuss motivation, rewards and your own self-care. |

only suitable for GCC residents due to live therapy sessions working hours
Step-by-step guides with behind the scenes therapy secrets and top tips.
Each masterclass will give you instructions on what to say and what to do to support your child.
Includes: Video, prompt checklist, action plan and challenges worksheet
Coming soon
What if we want to get private parent coaching?

Parent Power Hours
online support ⭐️ Know what to say & do ⭐️ stop anxiety taking over your family
Get the quick solutions you've been looking for.

Problems it solves:
✅ Identify safety behaviours to stop growing anxiety
✅ Use the supportive statement strategies to help you survive the day
✅ Stop playing good cop/ bad cop parenting games and have a plan to tackle anxiety without harming your child
✅ Have a plan to stop anxiety taking over bedtimes, on school runs, at bedtime, at the dinner table, during social events, before exams, in sport
✅ Know exactly how to tackle anxiety or OCD with a solid ERP therapy process. no more second guessing.
✅ Have a plan that the whole family can get on board with to stop the tears and tantrums
✅ Understand how your own anxieties interfere in the chaos
✅ Started the membership & want a private on board? No problem! I've got you.
✅ Stay accountable, motivated and recognise the crucial time to step in with praise and rewards